Cat Mode

After listening to feedback, we've introduced Cat Mode, so what is it?

After speaking with cat owners, their main concern with having an Online Pet Profile for their cat was that they didn't want all of their pet's information to be displayed for the world to see if it wasn't necessary to do so, but did want a way that in the event of someone finding their cat and scanning the tag, the person scanning would see if the cat was reported missing or not.

With this in mind, we came up with Cat Mode.

Cat Mode allows the owner of the pet to show their cat as either NOT MISSING (with a nice message to the person to simply let the cat go on their way) or MISSING, which will then show all important information about the cat and the owner. Doing this is all controlled through the users dashboard and is easy to do in one simple click of a button.

What it looks like

Reported NOT Missing

Hi, you've scanned a Fech tag!

This cat is NOT reported missing


Hello, this cat has not been reported missing by their owner.

This means you don't need to do anything with their cat and they are more than happy for you to let them on their way to enjoy their day :)

If you have found this cat and you need to urgently make contact with the owner, please Click Here

Reported Missing

Hi, you've scanned a Fech tag!

This cat is reported MISSING

They live at:

This owner has hidden their address from their pet's public profile.

Call the owner:

This owner has hidden their phone number from their pet's public profile.

Medical conditions / Allergies:

Medical: None
Allergies: None

Temperament around children/dogs:

This owner has hidden their pet's temperament from their public profile.